reading group

We have a reading group presentations every week ...

Reading List
Date Paper Title Links Speaker
19-10-2023 Galactica: A Large Language Model for Science [Paper] Siddhesh Dosi
05-10-2023 How Crowd Worker Factors Influence Subjective Annotations: A Study of Tagging Misogynistic Hate Speech in Tweets [Paper] [Attachment] Suhani Mittal
21-09-2023 Evaluating Large Language Models Trained on Code [Paper] [Attachment] Ankit Yadav
14-09-2023 Emergent Abilities of Large Language Models [Paper] [Attachment] Rakesh Thakur
31-08-2023 Quality at a Glance: An Audit of Web-Crawled Multilingual Datasets [Paper] Suhani, Hitesh & Khushal
17-08-2023 Auditing and Robustifying COVID-19 Misinformation Datasets via Anticontent Sampling [Paper] [Attachment] Yash Kokane
11-08-2023 Langchain for LLM Application Development [Paper] Shridhar Pawar
26-05-2023 An introduction to Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) [Paper] Ritesh Patidar
19-05-2023 Train Short, Test Long: Attention with Linear Biases Enables Input Length Extrapolation [Paper] [Attachment] Rakesh Thakur
09-05-2023 Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training [Paper] [Attachment] Ankit Yadav
19-04-2023 BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding [Paper] Ritesh Patidar
12-04-2023 Understanding Dataset Difficulty with 𝓥-Usable Information [Paper] [Attachment] Pritam Kadasi
05-04-2023 Scaling Laws for Neural Language Models [Paper] [Attachment] Shruti Singh
29-03-2023 BLOOM: A 176B - Parameter Open-Access Multilingual Language Model [Paper] [Attachment] Siddesh Doshi & Hitesh Lodwal
21-02-2023 Fast Model Editing at Scale (MEND) [Paper] [Attachment] Kowsik N.
14-02-2023 Editing Factual Knowledge in Language Models (KnowledgeEditor) [Paper] [Attachment] Himanshu Beniwal & Kowsik N.
31-01-2023 Dataset Cartography [Paper] [Attachment] Pritam Kadasi
31-01-2023 Learning with Different Amounts of Annotation: From Zero to Many Labels [Paper] [Attachment] Pritam Kadasi
25-09-2019 Zero-Shot Entity Linking by Reading Entity Descriptions [Paper] Heer Ambavi
03-09-2019 Gene2vec: Distributed Representation of Genes Based on Co-Expression [Paper] Abhavya Chandra
25-04-2019 BERT:Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding [Paper] Pratik Kayal
11-04-2019 Word2Vec and GloVe [Paper] [Attachment] Ayush Garg
04-04-2019 RNNs as Language Models Paper [Attachment] Naman Jain
28-03-2019 False Information on Web and Social Media: A survey [Paper] Soumita Kundu & Vivek Srivastava